Solutio in silico

QUANTEC Dose Constraints

This page contains the normal tissue dose constraints from the QUANTEC publications, with organ names labeled according to the AAPM TG 263 naming convention. A few notes on the structure names:

QUANTEC Constraints (Conventional Fractionation)

BladderMax < 65 GyLate grade 3+ toxicity (< 6%). Bladder primary only
BladderV65Gy < 50 %Late grade 3+ toxicity. Prostate primary
BladderV70Gy < 35 %Late grade 3+ toxicity. Prostate primary
BladderV75Gy < 25 %Late grade 3+ toxicity. Prostate primary
BladderV80Gy < 15 %Late grade 3+ toxicity. Prostate primary
BrainMax < 60 GySymptomatic necrosis (< 3%)
BrainMax < 72 GySymptomatic necrosis (5%)
BrainMax < 90 GySymptomatic necrosis (10%)
BrainstemMax < 54 GyNeuropathy or necrosis (5%). Whole organ irradiated
BrainstemD1cc < 59 GyNeuropathy or necrosis (5%). Partial organ irradiated. Lower limit
BrainstemD10cc < 59 GyNeuropathy or necrosis (5%). Partial organ irradiated. Upper limit
BrainstemMax < 64 GyNeuropathy or necrosis (5%). Partial organ irradiated
Cochlea LeftMean < 45 GySensory-neural hearing loss (< 30%)
Cochlea RightMean < 45 GySensory-neural hearing loss (< 30%)
EsophagusMean < 34 GyGrade 3+ esophagitis (5-20%)
EsophagusV35Gy < 50 %Grade 2+ esophagitis (< 30%)
EsophagusV50Gy < 40 %Grade 2+ esophagitis (< 30%)
EsophagusV70Gy < 20 %Grade 2+ esophagitis (< 30%)
HeartMean < 26 GyPericarditis (< 15%). Pericardium only
HeartV30Gy < 46 %Pericarditis (< 15%). Pericardium only
HeartV25Gy < 10 %Long-term cardiac mortality (< 1%)
KidneysMean < 15 GyClinical dysfunction (< 5%). Lower limit
KidneysMean < 18 GyClinical dysfunction (< 5%). Upper limit
KidneysMean < 28 GyClinical dysfunction (< 50%)
KidneysV12Gy < 55 %Clinical dysfunction (< 5%)
KidneysV20Gy < 32 %Clinical dysfunction (< 5%)
KidneysV23Gy < 30 %Clinical dysfunction (< 5%)
KidneysV28Gy < 20 %Clinical dysfunction (< 5%)
LarynxMax < 66 GyVocal dysfunction (< 20%)
LarynxMean < 50 GyAspiration (< 30%)
LarynxMean < 44 GyEdema (< 20%)
LarynxV50Gy < 27 %Edema (< 20%)
LiverMean < 30 GyRILD (< 5%). Excludes GTV. No pre-existing liver disease. Lower limit
LiverMean < 32 GyRILD (< 5%). Excludes GTV. No pre-existing liver disease. Upper limit
LiverMean < 42 GyRILD (< 50%). Excludes GTV. No pre-existing liver disease Excludes GTV
LiverMean < 28 GyRILD (< 5%). Excludes GTV. Pre-existing liver disease. Lower limit
LiverMean < 36 GyRILD (< 50%). Excludes GTV. Pre-existing liver disease Excludes GTV
LungsV20Gy < 30 %Symptomatic pneumonitis (< 20%)
LungsMean < 7 GySymptomatic pneumonitis (< 5%)
LungsMean < 13 GySymptomatic pneumonitis (< 10%)
LungsMean < 20 GySymptomatic pneumonitis (< 20%)
LungsMean < 24 GySymptomatic pneumonitis (< 30%)
LungsMean < 27 GySymptomatic pneumonitis (< 40%)
Optic ChiasmMax < 55 GyOptic neuropathy (< 3%)
Optic ChiasmMax < 60 GyOptic neuropathy (> 7%)
Optic Nerve LeftMax < 55 GyOptic neuropathy (< 3%)
Optic Nerve LeftMax < 60 GyOptic neuropathy (> 7%)
Optic Nerve RightMax < 55 GyOptic neuropathy (< 3%)
Optic Nerve RightMax < 60 GyOptic neuropathy (> 7%)
Parotid LeftMean < 20 GyLong-term salivary function < 25% (< 20%). Single parotid sparing only
Parotid RightMean < 20 GyLong-term salivary function < 25% (< 20%). Single parotid sparing only
ParotidsMean < 25 GyLong-term salivary function < 25% (< 20%)
ParotidsMean < 39 GyLong-term salivary function < 25% (< 20%)
Penile BulbMean < 50 GySevere erectile dysfunction (35%)
Penile BulbD90% < 50 GySevere erectile dysfunction (35%)
Penile BulbD60% < 70 GySevere erectile dysfunction (55%). Lower limit
Penile BulbD70% < 70 GySevere erectile dysfunction (55%). Upper limit
PericardiumMean < 26 GyPericarditis (< 15%)
PericardiumV30Gy < 46 %Pericarditis (< 15%)
PharynxMean < 50 GySymptomatic dysphagia and aspiration (< 20%)
RectumV50Gy < 50 %Grade 2+ toxicity (< 15%), grade 3+ toxicity (< 10%). Prostate primary
RectumV60Gy < 35 %Grade 2+ toxicity (< 15%), grade 3+ toxicity (< 10%). Prostate primary
RectumV65Gy < 25 %Grade 2+ toxicity (< 15%), grade 3+ toxicity (< 10%). Prostate primary
RectumV70Gy < 20 %Grade 2+ toxicity (< 15%), grade 3+ toxicity (< 10%). Prostate primary
RectumV75Gy < 15 %Grade 2+ toxicity (< 15%), grade 3+ toxicity (< 10%). Prostate primary
Small BowelV15Gy < 120 ccGrade 3+ toxicity (< 10%). Individual loops
Small Bowel SpaceV45Gy < 195 ccGrade 3+ toxicity (< 10%). Peritoneal cavity
Spinal CordMax < 50 GyMyelopathy (< 0.2%)
Spinal CordMax < 60 GyMyelopathy (< 6%)
Spinal CordMax < 69 GyMyelopathy (< 50%)
StomachMin < 45 GyUlceration (< 7%)