ProfilePull User Guide
Pull up the script list as described in the LunarEclipse Setup Guide. Choose the ProfilePull.esapi.dll and press the Run button (or double-click the script name) to start the script. A window will appear allowing you to choose which beams and profiles you would like to export. Check the boxes for the desired beams and profiles, then press the Save Profiles To File to save each profile as a two-column CSV file; the first column is the position and the second column is the dose. All profiles are saved to the “Profiles” folder where the scripts are located.

The script is a tool for pulling and saving dose profiles from a calculated plan dose. It allows the user to select the beams and profiles they want to save, and then writes the profiles to a CSV file. The script first loads the plan and dose from the current context; if a plan or dose is not loaded, the script will display an error message. Next, the user can select the beams they want to save by checking the boxes next to their names (ID). The user can select any of the following profiles for each beam:
- Central Axis Depth Dose Profile
- Crossline Profile at Depth (perpendicular to the beam axis in the X-Y plane)
- Inline Profile at Depth (along the Z-axis)
The depth is defined as the distance from where the beam axis initially intersects the BODY structure. When the user clicks the "Save Profiles To File" button, the script saves the selected profiles to a CSV file. The file name is based on the selected beams and profiles. The position values are in millimeters and are defined relative to the beam axis.